December 2015 Newsletter

December at a glance

for adults...

December 1-30 - Food for Fines

Thu., Dec. 3 @ 5 pm - Knitting

Tue., Dec. 8 @ 1 pm - Adult Book Club

Thu., Dec. 10 @ 5:00 pm - Knitting

Thu., Dec. 10 - 6:30 - 7 pm - Bell Choir Performance

Thu., Dec. 10 - 7 pm - Holiday Auction Bidding Ends

Sat., Dec. 12 @ 10 am - Rootfinders

Mon., Dec. 14 @ 6 pm - Zentangle Class

Tue., Dec. 15 @ 9:30 am - Zentangle Class

Wed., Dec. 16 @ 5:30 pm - Quilting

Thu., Dec. 17 @ 5 pm - Knitting

Tue., Dec. 22 @ 1 pm - Adult Book Club

Dec. 24, 25, 31, Jan. 1 - Library Closed


Use this opportunity to help your neighbors and remove fines at the same time.  Up to $10 per library card may be removed when you donate an equal amount of food/toiletries.  All donations go to our local food pantry.  Checks may also be written to the "Wayne Township Food Pantry" if you so desire. Food for Fines continues through December.  Nonperishable, non-expired items only, please.


All your Disney friends, all the characters you've come to know and love, are now here as eBooks on Hoopla - ready for you to have your own enchanted family time. New Disney classics, like Frozen, Toy Story, Star Wars, Percy Jackson and the Olympians and more, come to life like never before with Hoopla! Go to Digital Downloads on our website and see how to get started with Hoopla.


The adult book club will meet Tuesday, December 8 at 1 pm to discuss One Plus One by Jojo Moyes.  The club meets again on Tuesday, December 22 at 1 pm to review The City by Dean Koontz. 


Join us for an enjoyable program presented by Michael Coyan, Professor of Architecture and Art History at Sinclair College on Saturday, December 12 at 10 am.  Professor Coyan’s ancestors settled in 1796 in Clearcreek Township and in 1804 in Wayne Township.  His talk will include information on the Burnet family who was related to Charles Dickens.  Bring a snack to share, and come and enjoy the company of other family history enthusiasts!


When it's 10 days before Christmas, what do you do?  Zentangle!  Sign up for one of our classes: an evening class will be held Monday, December 14 at 6 pm, while the morning class will be held Tuesday, December 15 at 9:30 pm.  There is a $5 fee for each class. 


The holiday auction is in full swing and continues until 7 pm Thursday, December 10.

The bell choir from the Waynesville United Methodist church will perform a collection of Christmas music that evening from 6:30 to 7:00 pm leading up to the closing of the bids.  Don't miss this opportunity to snag a unique gift for someone special.


Feel free to join our knitters each Thursday at 5 pm, or join our quilters on the third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm (December 16).


The library will be closed Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve, and New Year's Day.  Happy Holidays to you and yours!




Archmage - R.A. Salvatore

Golden Age - J. Smiley

Home by Nightfall - C. Finch

A Lesson in Hope - P. Gulley

Pretending to Dance - D. Chamberlain

The Secret Chord - G. Brooks

Shopaholic to the Rescue - S. Kinsella



Ardennes 1944: The Battle of the Bulge - A. Beevor

The Fox and the Star - C. Bickford-Smith

The Health Gap: The Challenge of an Unequal World - M. Marmot

Keep Moving - D. Van Dyke

Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps that Explain Everything - T. Marshall

Rosemary: The Hidden Kennedy Daughter - K. Clifford Lawson

This is All a Dream: An Oral History of the Grateful Dead - B. Jackson



???s Call Miss Kathy or Miss Sheila at 513-897-4826.

Preschool Storytimes for 3 - 5 year olds including kindergartners,

 Thursdays 10:30 - 11:15 am or  Thursdays 6:45 - 7:30 pm.

Registration requested. We play games, sing songs, hear stories, and share laughs.  Special Storytimes include Halloween Parties, Twas The Night Before Christmas PJ party; watch for details.

*Only one storytime in December – December 3rd.

 Storytime will resume Thursday, January 7, 2016.


Come to storytime at the Mary L. Cook Public Library and get a stamp!  When you have 10 stamps on your Storytime Superstar card you will earn a free book!  We will keep your Storytime Superstar card here at the library.



            Have you signed your child up to this fun and exciting reading program for children ages 0-5 years? This program was developed to increase awareness of the importance of reading to very young children as well as encouraging parents to embrace their role as their child’s first teacher.

            The 1,000 Books before Kindergarten encourages families to read at least 1,000 books to their preschooler, birth to age 5, before they enter school. Families can sign up today at the Mary L. Cook Public Library. Each child will receive a folder with a page to record the books they read. Each time a goal of recording 20 books is reached, children are encouraged to bring their folder to the library to receive a sticker.  Each time the goal of recording 100 books is reached, children should bring their folder to the library to receive a free book and pick up more library books.

          The goal of this project is to help kids enter school ready to learn. Reading is one of the most important things you can do to ensure your child’s success when they begin school.


Preschoolers - 5th graders…Did you know that “Reading is a Gift!”

  Check out 5 books today and you will receive a chance for a wonderful prize.



You are invited to bring your family to The Mary L. Cook Public Library on Tuesday evening, December 1st from 7:00 to 7:45 pm to meet and talk with children’s author, Brian Cleary! He is best known for his books that explore grammar in humorous ways. Required registration began November 16. Mr. Cleary’s visits are being sponsored by The Waynesville’s Progressive Women’s Club, American Legion #615, Clinton-Massie Board of Education, The Clinton-Massie PTO, Wayne Local Board of Education, the Waynesville PTO, and the Books ’n’ More bookstore



Baby Storytimes for children from birth to 24 months and their parent or caregiver.

Wednesdays 10:30 am –11:00 am. *We will not meet December 23rd & 30th. Sessions will resume January 6, 2016.    

Enjoy great books for babies, learn fun songs and rhymes, and meet other families in your neighborhood. Parents/caregivers are expected to stay with children during all storytime sessions. If you have questions, please call Kathy Daniels – Youth Services.



            We will have a special mailbox in the children’s room for your child to drop that important Santa letter.  These letters will go directly to the elves working way up at the North Pole.  The elves will take time to answer these letters.  Letters may be mailed through Tuesday, December 8th.  ??’s - please ask Miss Kathy or Miss Sheila.



Teens (gr. 6 & up) @ The Mary L. Cook Public Library

EACH WEDNESDAY after school from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

*Only two Wednesdays in December: please join us on December 2nd & 9th.

After school fun will resume January 6, 2016.

*If school is closed due to inclement weather after school fun will be cancelled.

Each week we will provide snacks, drinks, and something fun to do! Come join the fun and bring a friend! Each week something different – movies, games, crafts, and snacks.

?’s Call Sheila @ 513-897-4826.



Come to The Mary L. Cook Public Library on Wednesday, December 2 from 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm to make holiday ornaments! Join us in making an ornament to hang on our library Christmas tree, as well as one to take home.

Sign up beginning November 17th at the library or call 513-897-4826.



Dear 3, 4 and 5 year olds and kindergartners, too...

YOU are invited to a "Twas the Night Before Christmas"P.J. Party on Tuesday, December 9 from 7:00 - 7:45 pm  at The Mary L. Cook Public Library!  Get into your pajamas and join Miss Kathy and Miss Sheila for stories, games, songs, and a bedtime snack.  We hope you can come. Registration began November 24.



Calling all bookworms (grades 2 – 4) to join The Rapid Readers & wRiters at The Mary L. Cook Public Library

Tuesday, December 15, 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm.

Please join us as we discuss books, play games, try out a bit of creative writing, and enjoy a light snack. Registration is required.  *This group is presently full.



Look Who’s Reading Book Club (grades K – 1) at The Mary L. Cook Public Library Tuesday, December 15  6:00 – 6:30 pm.

The group will engage in a variety of fun learning activities featuring phonics, the writing of letters and words, and many other skills that promote a strong literacy foundation.  *This group is presently full.



      The Friends Annual Holiday Auction is here!  Come in and bid on your favorite holiday decorations which have been donated by area businesses and community groups.  Bidding began Friday Nov. 20th.  Bids will be opened Thursday, Dec. 10th at 7:00 pm.  You could do your holiday shopping at the library!


Mary L. Cook Public Library

381 Old Stage Road

Waynesville, OH 45068
