March at a glance for adults...
Mar. 1, Tue. @ 1 pm - Adult Book Club
Mar. 3, Thu. @ 5 pm - Knitting
Mar. 5, Sat. @ 12 pm - Bigfoot presenters
Mar. 7, Sat. @ 9 am - Watercolor Class
Mar. 10, Thu. @5 pm - Knitting
Mar. 11, Fri. @ 2 pm - At Carriage Hill - Mug Craft
Mar. 12, Sat. @ 10 am - Rootfinders
Mar. 13, Sun. @ 2 am - Time Changes - Spring Forward
Mar. 14, Mon. - Cancelled - Watercolor Class
Mar. 15, Tue - 6:30 am - 7:30 pm - Primary Election
Mar. 15, Tue. @ 1 pm - Adult Book Club
Mar. 16, Wed. @ 6:30 pm - Master Gardener Ron Wilson - "Starting Seeds Indoors"
Mar. 17, Thu. @ 5 pm - Knitting
Mar. 18. Fri. @ 6:30 pm - Coffee Mug Craft
Mar. 21, Mon. @ 9 am - Watercolor Class
Mar. 22, Tue. @ 9:30 am - Advanced Zentangle Class
Mar. 23, Wed. @ 6 pm - Advanced Zentangle Class
Mar. 24, Thu. @ 5 pm - Knitting
Mar. 27, Sun. - Easter - CLOSED
Mar. 29, Tue. @ 1 pm - Adult Book Club
Mar. 31, Thu. @ 5 pm – Knitting
Patrons, don't hesitate to place holds on dvds, books, books on cds, or music cds. This assures you a place in line for materials, plus it allows us to plan more effectively for quantities to order. You can place holds from the comfort of your home any time of day or night through your online account, by letting us know while you're here in the library, or by calling us during business hours.
Have you ever wondered about Bigfoot sightings? You'll want to be sure to be here on Saturday, March 5 at 12 noon to hear Ohio cryptozoologists Mike Miller and Mike Feltner tell what they have learned in Sasquatch research. It's bound to be a fascinating presentation. Come armed with your questions.
It's time to turn clocks forward 1 hour before bed on Saturday night, March 12 to be ready for Daylight Savings Time starting at 2 am on Sunday morning, March 13.
Watercolor classes continue in March on Monday mornings at 9 am. However, class will not be held here on March 14.
The adult book club meets every other Tuesday at 1 pm. We'll discuss Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet in Heaven on Tuesday, March 1. The next book will be Little Heathens by Mildred Kalish on March 15, followed by A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly on March 29.
Calling all Carriage Hill residents! Come join us in your community room as we each design and making our own confetti coffee mug on Friday, March 11 at 2 pm. If you have questions, please call Sheila at 897-4826.
Do you have a famous person in your genealogical family? If you do, bring them along for our March meeting. (Remember, ‘famous’ can mean famous to you – it doesn’t need to be someone who made the news! It could also be someone infamous!) We will take time sharing interesting facts about our ancestors while enjoying each other’s company. Bring a snack to share if you would like. Hope to see you on Saturday, March 12 at 10 am (this is the meeting that was cancelled due to snow in February).
Ohio's primary election will be held on Tuesday, March 15. Polls are open from 6:30 am to 7:30 pm. Our library is a polling place for 2 of several local precincts. If you are unsure of your voting location, check online or contact the Warren County Board of Elections at 513-695-1358.
The Friends of the Mary L. Cook Public Library will hold their annual book sale April 14-16. Volunteer workers will be able to sign up to help at the sale at the front desk starting March 14.
Master Gardener Ron Wilson series of garden talks continue with "Starting Seeds Indoors" on Wednesday, March 16 at 6:30 pm. No registration required - just drop in.
"I Heart Art" will resume with a Confetti Coffee Mug class on Friday, March 18 at 6:30 pm. This class for ages 16 and up is provided free of charge, but registration is required. No experience necessary.
Advanced Zentangle classes will be held on Tuesday, March 22 from 9:30 - 11:30 am or Wednesday, March 23 from 6 - 7:45 pm. These classes are for those who have already complete a basic Zentangle class. We will use tan "Renaissance" tiles and new tools (white & sepia pens and white/charcoal pencils).
Please bring your beginner Zentangle kit with you for this class.
Register today at the front desk - $5 fee per class (for teens through adults).
Knitters of all levels are welcome to meet with out group each Thursday at 5 pm.
Be Frank with Me - J. Johnson
Everything I Never Told You - C. Ng
First Family - D. Baldacci
The Forgetting Time - S. Guskin
The Forgotten Room - K. White
The Guilty - D. Baldacci
The Heart - M. Kerangal
Jane and the Waterloo Gap - S. Barron
A Man Called Ove - F. Backman
A Paris Apartment - M. Gable
The Girl in the Green Sweater - K. Chiger
No One Ever Told Us That: Money and Life Lessons for Young Adults - J. Spooner
Small Data: The Tiny Clues that Uncover Huge Trends - M. Lindstrom
Temperament Tools: Working with Your Child's Inborn Traits - H. Neville
???s - Call Miss Kathy or Miss Sheila at 513-897-4826.
PRESCHOOL STORYTIMES for 3 - 5 year olds (including kindergartners).Thursdays 10:30 - 11:15 am or Thursdays 6:45 - 7:30 pm. Come every Thursday now to beginning of May for stories, games, songs, and crafts.
Come to storytime at the Mary L. Cook Public Library and get a stamp! When you have 10 stamps on your Storytime Superstar card you will earn a free book! We will keep your Storytime Superstar card here at the library.
Baby Storytime is for children from birth to 24 months and their parent or caregiver. Wednesdays 10:30am –11:00am, *No registration required Enjoy great books for babies, learn fun songs and rhymes, and meet other families in your neighborhood. Parents/caregivers are expected to stay with children during all storytime sessions. No registration required. If you have questions please call Kathy Daniels – Youth Services.
Reading is Magic! Stop in and pick out some lucky books! Check out 5 books and receive a chance to choose a ‘lucky’ reward.
The 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program encourages families to read at least 1,000 books to their preschooler, birth to age 5, before they enter school. Families can sign up today at the Mary L. Cook Public Library. Each child will receive a folder with a page to record the books they read. Each time a goal of recording 20 books is reached, children are encouraged to bring their folder to the library to receive a sticker. Each time the goal of recording 100 books is reached, children should bring their folder to library to receive a free book and pick up more library books. The goal of this project is to help kids enter school ready to learn. Reading is one of the most important things you can do to ensure your child’s success when they begin school. It also provides an opportunity to increase their exposure to a wide variety of books, and to promote use of the library – a gold mine of free material available to our community members.
Is your interest in plants growing? Come to our hands-on series designed to let kids learn about gardening by having fun! We will meet every other Friday from 4:30-5:30 pm beginning March 4 - April 15, with one final session on May 6 before Mother’s Day. Don't let the grass grow under your feet! Sign up began Monday, February 15.
Toddler Laptime for 2 year olds and their caregivers is held Tuesdays 6:45 - 7:10 pm, March 8 thru April 19. Required registration in person began February 22. Limit - 12 toddlers and 12 caregivers.
Friday, March 18 from 4:00 - 4:45 pm, for Preschoolers and a Caregiver (3yrs. – Kndg.). We will learn about our weather with lots of fun hands on activities. Preschoolers should bring an adult with them. Required Registration begins February 29.
3yrs – 7yrs: Chase the winter blues away with a Frozen Party Saturday, March 19, 10:30 - 11:30 am or 12:00 - 1:00 pm. We will make a craft, enjoy snacks, and join in on many Frozen-themed activities. You may come dressed as your favorite Frozen character. So sign up in person beginning February 29. Each party will be limited to 20 participants.
For Grades 1 – 5, Monday, March 21, 6:00 – 7:00 pm or Saturday, April 2, 10:30 – 11:30 am. We supply Legos of all sizes and a theme. You supply your imagination! Come build a creation based on a theme. Please register beginning March 7. This program is limited to 20.
Calling all Book Worms (grades 2 – 4) to join The Rapid Readers & wRiters at The Mary L. Cook Public Library Tuesday, March 22, 4:00 – 5:00 pm. We will be reading The Lemonade War. This group is presently full.
We will meet Tuesday, March 22, 6:00 – 6:30 pm. The group will engage in a variety of fun learning activities featuring phonics, the writing of letters and words, and many other skills that promote a strong literacy foundation. We will be reading Pete the Cat, Play Ball. This group is presently full.
The Teen Advisory Board recently welcomed 17 new members to its board! These teens are helping to create the Teen Scene at the Mary L. Cook Public Library! These new members will help to organize several programs ‘just for teens’, and to do some fund-raising to ‘pay their own way’! They will also volunteer to help whenever asked and will be involved in materials selection, too. The opinions and ideas that these teens share will help make things happen for the teens who visit our library.
The new members of TAB include: Booker Atkins (gr.7), Brandon Blair (gr. 8), Jade Buckland (gr. 8), Mason Callahan (gr. 11), Trevor Camp (gr. 7), Melynn Duff (gr. 7), Hannah Gill (gr. 7), Crystal Green (gr.9), Alex Hines (gr. 8), Sidney Lauffer (gr. 7), Ryan Metzler (gr. 7), Alex Nelson (gr. 7), Alexa Ritter (gr. 11), Alaina Spencer (gr. 7), Liana Webb (gr. 10), Ezekiel Wessendarp (gr. 8), and Hunter Wiseman (gr. 7). Welcome!
Teens (gr. 6 & up), come to The Mary L. Cook Public Library each Wednesday after school from 3:00 - 4:00 pm. *If a movie is shown, the fun will run until 4:30pm. Each week we will provide snacks, drinks, and something fun to do! Come join the fun and bring a friend! Each week is something different – movies, games, crafts, snacks.
??’s - call Sheila @ 513-897-4826.
Grades 5-8: Come to The Mary L. Cook Public Library to eat pizza and watch a movie (G or PG) Friday, March 11, 6:30 - 8:00pm. * The library will be closed to the public during this event; only those registered will be admitted. Call 513-897-4826 to register. Registration began February 22; this is required and limited to 30 teens. ?’s ask for Kathy or Sheila! Please sign up no later than Wednesday, March 9.
Thursday, April 14, 5:00 - 8:00 pm - Members Only Preview Night.
Memberships to the Friends will be available at the door. ($5.00/individual & $10.00/family).
Friday, April 15, 9:00am – 5:00 pm.
Saturday, April 16, 9:00a.m. - 12:00 noon *Dollar/bag day.
***Donations of books, magazines, CDs, movies, etc. accepted beginning March 28th through Thursday April 14 at 4 pm.
****We cannot accept textbooks, Readers Digest books, or encyclopedias.
If you have an hour or two to help work the actual sale, please sign up beginning March 14. Call or stop in to ask how you can help. Thanks!