Material Loan Periods

Loan Periods

All DVDs - checkout for 7 days

 - Patrons may check out 2 - New DVDs on their card.

 - Patrons may check out 10 - DVDs total on their card.


All Videogames - checkout for 7 days

 - Patrons may check out 2 - videogames on their card.

 - Videogames may be renewed once unless there is a reserve on the item.


Wi-Fi Hot Spots - checkout for 7 days

- One Wi-Fi hot spot may be checked out per household.

- Hot spots must be returned to the front desk on their due date. 

- If a patron returns their hot spot late 3 times, they will be barred from borrowing our hot spots. 


Books, Books on CD, Music CDs, Magazines - checkout for 14 days

- Items will renew two times unless there is a reserve on the item.


Reserves / Renewals

Reserve materials or renew at the desk, by phone, or via our website. Items will automatically renew as listed above, unless there is a block on the account or a material is reserved.


The Library does not charge late fees on overdue items. Lost or damaged items are subject to replacement fees.