Toddler Time

  Dates & times
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  Age Groups Kids


Toddler Time

Storytime for children 2 & 3 years & their caregiver.

Tuesdays 10:30 - 11:00am. Begins on Tuesday, September 10th
We will read a story of two and do fun activities each program. These sessions involve caregivers as active participants. Caregivers are expected to stay with children during all sessions. No Registration Required.

*While the recommended ages are listed in the above children’s program descriptions, please know they are a guide and that your child(ren) may continue in the program they started in the fall even if they have a birthday during then course of the program season (September-April). We want your child to be comfortable and confident in a developmental stage appropriate program. If you have any questions, please contact Kathleen Welch or Cathy Ruth. We would be happy to talk with you and help in any way we can!