The Mary L. Cook Public Library says:
Thank you, library director Linda Swartzel,
for an incredible 24 years!!!
The public is invited to stop in and congratulate Linda
on her retirement at an open house Saturday, August 23 at 2 pm!
Ice Cream Social! Cake! Ukulele Band!
Don’t miss it!
August at a Glance for Adults…
Tue., Aug. 5 – 1 pm – Adult Book Club
Thu., Aug. 7 – 5 pm – Knitters
Mon., Aug. 11 – 6 pm – Recipe Swap – “Refrigerated/ Frozen Desserts”
Thu., Aug. 14 – 5 pm – Knitters
Tue., Aug. 19 – 1 pm – Adult Book Club
Wed., Aug. 20 – 5:30 pm – Quilters
Thu., Aug.21 – 5 pm – Knitters
Sat., Aug. 23 – 2 to 4 pm – Public Invited! Ice Cream Social and Linda Swartzel’s Retirement Open House!
Tue., Aug. 26 – 6 pm –Congressman Chabot – Town Hall Meeting
Thu., Aug. 28 – 5 pm – Knitters
Mon., Sep. 1 – CLOSED – Labor Day
Ice Cream Social/Director’s Retirement Open House
What’s better than our annual Ice Cream Social? An ice cream social and retirement party combined! We’ll have ice cream and cake served to the tune of a local ukulele band, all the while sending our best wishes to our wonderful retiring director, Linda Swartzel. She has worked at the library 24 years, the last fifteen as director. Linda has been pivotal in creating a vision for the library, as well as overseeing two much appreciated additions. Come share memories with Linda of her time here as director. Stop by our lovely garden gazebo as the band plays summertime favorites. Mark your calendars for Saturday, August 23 from 2 to 4 pm!
New Director Selected
The Mary L. Cook Public Library is pleased to announce the selection of Kelly Maloney to the directorship. Kelly has served the library well as fiscal officer for ten years, and we welcome her into this new post.
Adult Book Club
The adult book club is scheduled to meet Tuesday, August 5 at 1 pm to discuss Hitch by Jeanette Ingold. Hitch is the story of a young man’s stint in the Civilian Conservation Corps after the Great Depression. The book club meets again on August 19 at 1 pm to discuss Hollow Ground by Natalie Harnett.
Recipe Swap
Our next recipe swap will be Monday, August 11 at 6 pm with “Refrigerated or Frozen Desserts” - the perfect antidote for steamy summer days to come. Bring your dish along with your recipe for a time of sharing.
Congressman Chabot Visits
Congressman Chabot will conduct a town hall meeting at the library on Tuesday, August 26 from 6-7 pm. Bring him your questions and concerns.
Our knitting group meets each Thursday at 5 pm. The quilters’ group meets the third Wednesday of the month, August 20 at 5:30 pm. Attend and learn a new skill or catch up with an old one.
Math Tutoring
Middle school and high school math tutoring is available at the library on Monday, August 4 and August 11 from 10-11 am with high school teacher Ms. Montgomery overseeing the sessions. Take this chance to refresh your skills before school starts.
Recommended Reads
Adult Fiction:
Above the East China Sea – S. Bird
Cradle to Grave – E. Kuhns
The Rosie Project – G. Simsion
The Prey/ The Hunt/ The Kill (3 books in a series) - A. Brennan
Restless in the Grave – D. Stabenow
Top Secret Twenty-One – J. Evanovich
Adult Nonfiction:
Born on a Blue Day – D. Tammett
Fierce Patriot: The Tangled Lives of Williams Tecumseh Sherman – R. O’Connell
Have a Nice Guilt Trip – L. Scottoline
The New Arabs – J. Cole
When the United States Spoke French – F. Furstenberg
Youth Services
Summer Reading Programs
The Mary L. Cook Public Library was a very busy place this summer! We had record number of juveniles, teens, adults, and families participating in our summer reading programs! We had over 460 juveniles reading books to try to win a shiny new bicycle (donated by local realtor Gil Irvin), Kings Island passes, as well as 15 other prizes (voice changer, cash, water slides, and more). Our teens were reading in hopes of winning cash and gift certificates. The families in Waynesville are READERS!
Thank you, to the Boonshoft Museum and The Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, for providing gift certificates that allowed families that read together to play together!
Thank you, Friends of the Library, for providing the robot t-shirts for the juvenile readers of 20 books or 10 hours this summer! Thank you realtor, Gil Irvin, for the wonderful bicycle that was an incentive for many of the juveniles to reach their goal of 20 books/10 hours!
Thank you, King’s Island, for the passes that encouraged our readers.
Thank you, John and Becky Barney for donating $100.00 that was a huge incentive for many teens to read, read, read this summer!
Our summer reading programs are so successful because of our very supportive staff and the tremendous generosity of our community. Miss Kathy and Miss Sheila say, THANK YOU!
Preschoolers through 5th graders….
During the month of August we want you to “Rock out with a good book!”
Check out 5 books and receive a chance to choose a rockin’ reward.
1000 Books Before Kindergarten
Mary L. Cook Public Library announces the launch of their “1,000 Books before Kindergarten” program. This fun and exciting reading program is for children ages 0-5 years. This program was developed to increase awareness of the importance of reading to very young children as well as encouraging parents to embrace their role as their child’s first teacher.
The 1,000 Books before Kindergarten encourages families to read at least 1,000 books to their preschooler, birth to age 5, before they enter school. Families can sign up beginning August 18, 2014 at the Mary L. Cook Public Library. Each child will receive a folder with a page to record the books they read. Each time a goal of recording 20 books is reached, children are encouraged to bring their folder to the library to receive a sticker. Each time the goal of recording 100 books is reached, children should bring their folder to library to receive a free book and pick up more library books.
The goal of this project is to help kids enter school ready to learn. Reading is one of the most important things you can do to ensure your child’s success when they begin school. It also provides an opportunity to increase their exposure to a wide variety of books, and to promote use of the library – a gold mine of free material available to our community members.
Preschool Storytimes for 3 - 5 year olds including kindergartners
Thursdays 10:30 - 11:15 am or Thursdays 6:45 - 7:30 pm
Beginning Thursday, September 25. Registration requested.
We play games, sign songs, hear stories, and share laughs. Special Storytimes include Halloween Parties and Twas The Night Before Christmas PJ party - watch for details.
Toddler Laptimes for 2 year olds & their caregivers
Tuesdays 6:45 - 7:10 pm October 7 thru November 11
Join us for stories, games, and lots of laughs.
Required registration in person begins September 22.
Limit - 12 toddlers and 12 caregivers.
Baby Bookworms is for children from birth to two years & a caregiver. Watch for details for when these sessions will resume.
Calling all Book Worms (grades 2 – 4) to join The Rapid Readers & wRiters
At The Mary L. Cook Public Library Tuesday, September 23, 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Please join us as we discuss books, play games, try out a bit of creative writing, and enjoy a light snack.
The first book we will read and discuss will be My Dog, My Hero, by Betsy Byars. Books will be available to pick up beginning Tuesday, September 2. Registration is required for this book club. For more information contact Miss Kathy @ 513-897-4826.
Look Who’s Reading Book Club (grades K – 1) at The Mary L. Cook Public Library
Tuesday, September 23, 6:00pm – 6:30pm
The group will engage in a variety of fun learning activities featuring phonics, the writing of letters and words, and many other skills that promote a strong literacy foundation.
Stop in beginning Tuesday, September 2 to register and pick up the book for the month.
Teachers – Public, Private, or Homeschool
Do you know that you can get a teacher card at The Mary L. Cook Public Library?
***Extended Loan Privileges
Teachers may borrow materials for an extended loan period.
Books and audio materials loan for six weeks and DVDs for one week.
***Fine Free
Teachers have no fines on their Teacher Cards at The Mary L. Cook Public Library! We want to support our hard working teachers as they educate our students.
***Book Collections
Teachers may request that a book collection be chosen for their students’ use. Call or email with all the details of your request. We will put your collection together and you simply stop in and pick it up. (Give us 3 days to put this together).
***Library and Classroom Visits
Teachers and their students are welcome to visit the library or we will visit your students in the classroom.
***Assignment Alert
Teachers may request that books pertaining to special assignments be put on temporary reference reserve in the library.
Stop in today and sign up for a teacher card.